SCH Number 2018022062

Project Info

Jackson Gate North Plaza Wetland Removal
The Central valley Regional Water Quality Control Board is issuing a 401 Water Quality Certification for the subject project. The project includes grading and filling of 0.089 acre of seasonal wetlands and 0.004 acre of intermittent drainage channels to prepare the site for future commercial building. Prior to constructing the pad for the commercial buildings, the to 5 feet of clayey soil will be remved and approximately 6,000 subic yards of firmer soil will be used to fill the wetlands and intermittent drainage channels when they are dry.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Amador County Jackson Gate North Plaza Wetland Removal
Amador County Jackson Gate North Plaza Wetland Removal
Amador County Jackson Gate North Plaza Wetland Removal