SCH Number 2018021068

Project Info

676 Mateo Street Project
The 676 Mateo Street Project would involve the demolition of the existing warehouse and surface parking lot, and the construction of an up to 197,355-square-foot mixed-use building, including up to 185 live/work units, approximately 15,320 square feet of open space for residents, up to 23,380 square feet of art-production and commercial space, and associated parking facilities, resulting in a 4.74:1 FAR. Eleven percent of the units (20 live/work units) would be deed-restricted for Very Low Income households. The proposed building would be up to 116’-0” to the top of the parapet and 110’-0” to the top of the roof (8 aboveground levels) plus three levels of subterranean parking. The Project has been designed to incorporate specific design standards to address the Arts District’s unique urban form and architectural characteristics. The Project also proposes the ability to implement an increased commercial option that would provide the Project the flexibility to increase the commercial square footage provided by the Project from 23,380 square feet to 45,873 square-feet within the same building parameters (i.e., 197,355-square-foot, 116’-0” to the top of the parapet and 110’-0” to the top of the roof with eight-aboveground levels achieving a 4.74:1 FAR and threelevel subterranean parking structure) and, in turn, reduce the overall amount of live/work units from 185 live/work units to 159 live/work units. Eleven percent of the units (18 live/work units) would be deed-restricted for Very Low Income households. Therefore, within the same building parameters (FAR, height, massing, etc.), the Project proposes 185 live/work units and 23,380 square feet of commercial space, and the Flexibility Option proposes 159 live/work units and 45,873 square feet of commercial space.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Los Angeles 676 Mateo
City of Los Angeles 676 Mateo Street Project
City of Los Angeles 676 Mateo Street
City of Los Angeles 676 Mateo Street Project