SCH Number 2017121006

Project Info

Great Valley Grasslands - Floodplain Restoration
This IS/MND has been prepared by Parks and Rec to evaluate the potential environmental effects of the proposed project. The proposed project would restore floodplain habitat in the Great Valley Grasslands by removing parts of an existing levee near the boundary of the Park. Reconnection of the floodplain would help restore natural processes in the park, including establishment of native vegetation.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Parks and Recreation Permit No. 19513: California State Parks - Great Valley Grasslands Floodplain Restoration Project
California Department of Parks and Recreation Great Valley Grasslands - Floodplain Restoration
California Department of Parks and Recreation Great Valley Grasslands - Floodplain Restoration
California Department of Parks and Recreation Great Valley Grasslands - Floodplain Restoration