SCH Number 2017082002

Project Info

Magalia Forest Health Project
The Sierra Nevada Conservancy would provide $499,100 to the Butte County Fire Safe Council for the Butte Creek Forest Health Project. The project involves thinning 431 acres of overgrown, unhealthy forest. Fuel reduction and forest restoration treatments would include thinning, pile burning, prescribed fire, chipping, masticating, and lop and scatter. The project would protect and enhance water for downstream users and aquatic life, as identified in the Magalia Forest Management Plan (FMP). The project will implement the best management practices recommended in the FMP based on each parcel's ownership and forest composition. the purpose of the project is to: 1) improve water quantity and protect water quality, 2) prevent catastrophic wildfire, 3) restore forest ecosystems from overstocked conditions with forest thinning and prescribed fire, 4) increase opportunities for tourism and recreation in the region, 5) preserve and enhance habitat, and 6) reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality and carbon storage.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Butte County CEQA 17-0004 Magalia Forest Health Project
Butte County Butte Creek Forest Health Project
Butte County CEQA17-0004 Magalia Forest Health Project
Butte County Magalia Forest Health Project