SCH Number 2017071066

Project Info

Mission Valley Community Plan Update Program EIR
The project analyzed in this Draft PEIR is the Mission Valley Community Plan Update (proposed CPU), which is an update to the Community Plan that guides development of the entire Mission Valley community. The proposed CPU is a policy document which describes the community's vision and identifies strategies for enhancing community character and managing change. It includes goals, policies and implementing actions to guide local decision - making and public investments for the CPU area in the future. Development in Mission Valley will be guided and regulated through the proposed CPU, the City of San Diego Municipal Code, the GP, and applicable Specific Plans. Specific development standards for development within the San Diego River Park and Hillside Review areas in the CPU area are also proposed to be codified in Chp 13, Article 2, Div 14 of the SDMC as a community plan implementation Overlay Zone as part of the proposed CPU. These standards currently exist as Chp 15, Article 14 of the SDMC, Mission Valley Planned District, and would become CPIOZ standards upon adoption of the proposed CPU.
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3 documents in project

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City of San Diego Mission Valley Community Plan Update Program EIR
City of San Diego Mission Valley Community Plan Update EIR