SCH Number 2017071028
Project Info
- Title
- Matheny Tract Wastewater System Project
- Description
- Note: 30 day review per lead The Matheny Tract community is not currently sewered, having on-site septic systems to provide wastewater treatment on each lot. The average lot size in the community if approx 0.5 acres; however, many lots have been split in half or have more than one residence on a single property. Due to the splitting of lots or construction of multiple dwellings on one lot, the effective lot size of many properties is less than 12,500 sf, the min lot size the county allows for on-site septic systems. The project analyzed in this recirculated draft technical EIR are the alternatives provided in the technical memo addendum to project feasibility report September 2017 to the project feasibility report matheny track wastewater system. The initial DEIR is based on the preferred alternative/project and analyzed four alternatives to the project.
3 documents in project