SCH Number 2017052053

Project Info

PD17-0002/Diamond Springs Village Apartments
The planned development would construct ten multifamily residential buildings consisting of a total 80 residential units as well as a community building with one site manager unit. Facilities included within the community building include, a laundry room, an art room, a community room, two bathrooms and a food prep area. Additionally, two playgrounds would be constructed with this project. The project would occur on a 7.3 acre portion of a 10.7 acre site, with five 4,733 sf buildings, two 6,056 sf buildings, two 3,697 sf buildings, one 6,056 sf building and one 3,841 community building, with a cumulative building impact of 78,401 sf. All buildings would be 33 ft tall. The project would provide 182 parking spaces, of which 61 would be covered, seven would be compact and 12 would be accessible parking. Two playgrounds, one in the north and one in the south of the project site, would be constructed as part of the project. On-site landscaping would include planting of Interior Live Oak, Red Maple, and various fruit trees along with drought tolerant shrubs and grasses. There will be two lawn areas for the project and two non-illuminated signs. Three trash areas will serve the project.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
El Dorado County Diamond Springs Village Apartments (Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement EPIMS Notification No. ELD-29860-R2)
El Dorado County PD17-0002/Diamond Springs Village Apartments
El Dorado County PD17-0002/Diamond Springs Village Apartments