SCH Number 2017051042

Project Info

California State University Monterey Bay Master Plan
The proposed Master Plan provides the basis for the physical development of the CSUMB campus through 2035. Implementation of the Project would provide space and facility needs to support an on-campus enrollment of 12,700 full-time-equivalent students (FTES) and 1,776 FTE faculty and staff by the year 2035. Overall, the proposed Master Plan would include approximately 2.6 million gross square feet of net new building space for academics, administration, student life, athletic and recreational uses, institutional partnership facilities, and housing. On-campus housing would be constructed sufficient to continue to accommodate 60 percent of FTES and existing housing would accommodate 65 percent of FTE faculty and staff, with a projected increase of 3,820 student beds and 757 converted residential units for faculty and staff. The Project also would accommodate redevelopment and growth in outdoor athletics and recreation facilities to serve campus needs. The proposed Master Plan includes Project Design Features (PDFs) that address various topics including open space, transportation, water and wastewater systems, energy systems and greenhouse gas reduction, and design. For example, transportation PDFs will enhance and expand the campus’ existing Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program in order to further reduce vehicle trips and prioritize pedestrian and bicycle movement. The Project includes specific development components identified in the proposed Master Plan and expected to be constructed in the next 10 years; these Project components are referred to throughout this EIR as “near-term development components.” These near-term development components include: Student Housing Phase III (600 student housing beds); Academic IV (95,000 GSF of classroom/instructional space); Student Recreation Center (70,000 GSF of recreation space); Student Housing Phase IIB (400 student housing beds); and Academic V (76,700 GSF of classroom/instructional space).
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB) California State University Monterey Bay Master Plan
California State University Board of Trustees California State University, Monterey Bay Master Plan
California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB) California State University Monterey Bay Master Plan
California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB) California State University Monterey Bay Master Plan
California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB) California State University Monterey Bay Master Plan