SCH Number 2017041058

Project Info

Carson Stormwater and Runoff Capture Project
The project proposes to capture all dry-weather runoff from a nearby storm drain, County Project no. 1201, and the first flush of stormwater to reduce the transport of pollutants downstream in Wilmington Drain and Machado Lake. The proposed project includes the following components: An underground stormwater storage facility with a maximum capacity 17-acre feet at the Carriage Crest Park; A storm drain diversion system with a maximum intake of 30 cubic feet per second, including a rubber dam or a drop inlet structure and diversion pipelines; Pretreatment devices, such as hydrodynamic separators or nutrient baffle boxes to remove gross solids; A dewatering system to the sanitary sewer for further treatment at the Joint Water Pollution Control Plant at a maximum nightly discharge rate of 20 cfs, including a pump station and a discharge pipeline, and A return pipeline back to the existing downstream storm drain. The project will require a maximum excavation area of 1.5 acre to a depth of 28 feet and maximum removal of approx. 35,0000 cubic yards of soil from the park to accommodate construction of the storm water collection system.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Carson Carson Stormwater and Runoff Capture Project
City of Carson Carson Stormwater and Runoff Capture Project