SCH Number 2017031075

Project Info

Five Year Reaffirmation Memo
Under 40 C.F.R. §35.3580, the State Water Board must reaffirm or modify a decision contained in a previously issued Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration. After review of the Project description, the environmental documents and decision remain appropriate because the project has not changed. The environmental conditions that were originally considered by such documents are still valid. The Sierra Linda Mutual Water Company Consolidation, Metering, and Water Treatment Project includes the consolidation of the Bass Lake Annex #3 into the SLMWC water system and construction of water treatment and distribution facilities to meet arsenic and uranium max contaminant load standards and improve the quality of water supplied to the SLMWC's service area and the Bass Lake Annex #3 area. Specific project facilities would include water meters, a developed test well, five new storage tanks, new distribution pipelines, booster and fire pumps, and a new treatment facility. SWRCB is serving as lead agency for California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as the project applicant is a non-governmental agency (CEQA Guidelines 15051). Additionally, the State Water Board may provide funding for the project through the Safe drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program (Public Resources Code 21102.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
State Water Resources Control Board, Divison of Financial Assistance Five Year Reaffirmation Memo
State Water Resources Control Board Sierra Linda Mutual Water Company Consolidation, Metering, and Water Treatment Project
State Water Resources Control Board Sierra Linda Mutual Water Company Consolidation, Metering, and Water Treatment Project