SCH Number 2017022042

Project Info

Jay Willard Gymnasium Replacement Project
The proposed project would replace and modernize an existing school gym. It would involve the demolition of the existing gym and construction of a replacement gym to the west of the existing gym. To accommodate the siting of the new gym and facilitate safe student access, new concrete walkways would also be constructed, and the existing bus lane and parking areas on the project site would be reconfigured. The replacement gym would serve the same student population and accommodate the same uses as the existing gym (i.e. physical education classes, sports events), but would be smaller in size than the existing facility and would not provide an indoor pool.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Eureka City Schools Jay Willard Gymnasium Replacement Project
Eureka City Schools Jay Willard Gymnasium Replacement Project
Eureka City Schools Jay Willard Gymnasium Replacement Project