SCH Number 2017021012

Project Info

Packing House District Transit-Oriented Development Expansion Project
In 2017, the City of Placentia prepared and adopted an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (2017 IS/MND) (State Clearinghouse No. 2017021012) to analyze the environmental effects of creating a Transit-Oriented District (TOD) zone classification, land use designation, and set of Development Standards within the City’s Packing House District. The City is now proposing to implement a series of discretionary actions that would expand the City’s existing Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Packing House District zoning and land use designation to include approximately 14.5 additional acres of land (TOD Expansion Area) adjacent to the existing TOD Packing House District (Original TOD Area) that were identified as potential housing sites in the City’s 2021-2029 General Plan Housing Element Update. These areas consist of approximately 11.5 acres located south of Crowther Avenue and west of South Melrose Street and approximately 3 acres along Cameron Street south of Crowther Avenue. The TOD Expansion Area is currently zoned for Manufacturing uses and designated for Industrial uses in the City’s General Plan. The proposed project would facilitate the development of up to 1,378 new residential units within the TOD Expansion Area by rezoning the 14.5-acre TOD Expansion Area to allow residential uses at densities of up to 95 units per acre, as specified in applicable TOD Packing House District Development Standards established by the City. The proposed project also includes the adoption of a streetscape plan within the Crowther Avenue right-of-way between Placentia Avenue and State Route 57, which would serve as a gateway into the TOD Expansion Area. Discretionary actions associated with the proposed project include a General Plan Amendment (GPA No. 2023-01) and Zone Change (ZCA 2023-01) to expand the General Plan TOD Packing House District land use and zoning designations to include the TOD Expansion Area, adoption of a streetscape plan within the Crowther Avenue right-of-way between Placentia Avenue and State Route 57, and adoption of the Supplemental IS/MND (EA 2023-01). The proposed project would be programmatic in nature and does not propose any physical development.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Placentia Packing House District Transit-Oriented Development Expansion Project
City of Placentia Packing House District Transit-Oriented Development Expansion Project
City of Placentia Packing House District Transit-Oriented Development Expansion Project
City of Placentia General Plan Amendment GPA 2017-01 and Zoen Change ZC 2017-01 to establish the Packing House District Transit Oriented Development District.
City of Placentia GPA 2017-01 and ZC 2017-01 to establish the Packing House District Transit-Oriented Development Project