SCH Number 2017012047

Project Info

Orfanos Property Project
The proposed project would develop the site with 180 single-family detached cluster homes, an internal street system, two parks (2.6 acres), a detention basin, and landscaping. The proposed project would also include the widening of Empire Ave. to provide two travel lanes per direction from just south of the project site to the northern boundary of the project through Wicklow Way, including bicycle lanes in both directions of travel and a sidewalk on the east side of Empire Avenue. Also, the traffic signal at the Wicklow Way and Empire Ave. Intersection and 2650 Empire Ave. would be modified to provide a pedestrian crossing on Empire Avenue and accommodate the widened cross-section. The proposed project includes the following entitlements: (1) General Plan Amendment to change the land use designation for roughly five acres of the site from GC to R-MD; (2) Rezoned to amend PD-38 to include residential uses in Sub Area C and D; (3) Vesting Tentative Map approval to subdivide 13 acres into 180 medium density residential lots, 3.6 acres for internal roadway right of ways, two acres for on-site parks, 0.8 acre for a stormwater detention basin parcel, and 0.6 acre for a paseo, and; (4) Design Review for the development of 160 single family detached cluster homes situated on the 20 acres.
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City of Brentwood Orfanos Property Project
City of Brentwood Orfanos Property Project