SCH Number 2017011071

Project Info

Limekiln Road Bridge (No. 43C0054) Replacement at Pescadero Creek
The project would replace the bridge over Pescadero Creek on Limekiln Road. Actions associated with the proposed project would include: bridge demolition, channel slope protection, approach roadway work, bridge construction, metal beam guardrail installation, concrete bridge railing, temporary traffic control including a temporary detour, right of way acquisition and temporary construction easements, and utility relocation. The project area is composed of 2.79 acres. The roadway alignment 400 feet beyond each end of the bridge would require profile adjustment; the new bridge deck would be approximately 2 to 3 feet higher than the existing bridge deck. The proposed bridge would consist of a 40-foot long single span structure.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Benito County Limekiln Road Bridge (No. 43C0054) Replacement at Pescadero Creek (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2022-009-04 (ITP))
San Benito County Limekiln Road Bridge (No. 43C0054) Replacement at Pescadero Creek