SCH Number 2016081027

Project Info

Morro Bay Water Reclamation Facility Addendum
The City of Morro Bay (City) is proposing to implement the Morro Bay Water Reclamation Facility Project (SCH 2016081027) (proposed project) to construct a water reclamation facility (WRF) that would provide wastewater treatment services for the City. The existing facility, the Morro Bay-Cayucos Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), would be replaced by the proposed project and eventually decommissioned and demolished. The proposed project is intended to provide opportunities for the City to produce and beneficially reuse a anced treated recycled water and to meet or exceed all wastewater treatment requirements of the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). In addition to the WRF, other facilities would include an administration, operations, and maintenance buildings; additions to the collection system, including one or more lift stations and pipelines to convey raw/treated water/wastewater flows to/from the WRF; and a new distribution system to convey advanced treated recycled water from the WRF to new groundwater injection wells in the Morro Valley Groundwater Basin. In August 2018, the City certified the Final EIR for the project described above. Subsequent to the certification of the EIR, minor modifications to the project were identified to avoid impacts to sensitive resources, improve reliability, and reduce the financial impacts to the City's ratepayers. This Addendum identifies minor modifications to the existing project which includes the rerouting of conveyance pipeline alignments, addition of a new lift station, rehabilitation of the existing ocean outfall, and identification of potential construction laydown sites.
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7 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Morro Bay Morro Bay Water Reclamation Facility
City of Morro Bay Morro Bay Water Reclamation Facility Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2020-0041-R4)
City of Morro Bay Morro Bay Water Reclamation Facility Addendum
City of Morro Bay Morro Bay Water Reclamation Facility
City of Morro Bay Morro Bay Water Reclamation Facility
City of Morro Bay Morro Bay Water Reclamation Facility
City of Morro Bay Morro Bay Water Reclamation Facility