SCH Number 2016052046

Project Info

Chevron Eureka Terminal Dock Seismic Retrofit
This proposed project involves conducting a seismic retrofit of the Chevron fuel dock to bring the fuel pipe way support structure into compliance with the CA Building Code. Project activities include removal of creosote piles, installation of steel piles using vibratory and impact hammering, and removal and replacement of part of the existing redwood deck. Project is expected to result in incidental take of longfin smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys) which is designated as a threatened species under the CESA. The ITP referenced above as issued by CDFW authorizes incidental take of species listed under CESA that may occur as a result of Project implementation.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Humboldt Bay Harbor Chevron Eureka Terminal Seismic Retrofit (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2016-034*01 (ITP)
Humboldt Bay Harbor Chevron Eureka Terminal Dock Seismic Retrofit
Humboldt Bay Harbor Chevron Eureka Terminal Dock Seismic Retrofit