SCH Number 2016041059

Project Info

Former Southwest Marine Property Remedial Action Plan
DTSC is considering approval of a Revised Soil and Groundwater Remedial Action Plan for the former Southwest Marine property (site) pursuant to Chp 6.8 of the California Health and Safety Code. The RAP, prepared by the Source Group Inc. and dated Feb 2015, proposes excavation with off-site soil disposal/recycling and long term monitoring of groundwater with monitored natural attenuation and institutional controls. The scope of work activities will be completed in two phases to excavate approximately 15,200 tons of soil: Phase will consist of excavation and stockpiling soil with containment concentrations above cleanup goals from Parcels 1L 3,400 tons; 2: 4,100 tons and 3a: 7,700 tons; Phase 2 will consist of removing stockpiled soil for off-site disposal or treatment and importing 28,600 tons of clean soil to be used to fill excavated areas; 15,200 for current excavation and 13,400 tons to backfill areas excavated in 2014. The implementation of the RAP remedial actions for soils within parcels 1, 2, and 3a, and groundwater will reduce the risk to human health and the environment.
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California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Former Southwest Marine Property Remedial Action Plan
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Former Southwest Marine Property Remedial Action Plan