SCH Number 2016022074
Project Info
- Title
- San Francisco St Area Sewer Pipeline Rehabilitation Project
- Description
- The SF Street Area Sewer Rehabilitation Project will rehabilitate approx. 18,000 feet of 6- and 8-inch vitrified clay sewer pipe. Approx. 11,000 feet will be replaced with new inch PVC pipe, while the other 7,000 feet of pipe will be lined with PVC liner. Most of the pipe will be replaced in the same location but some new pipeline will be installed on new alignments and the old line abandoned in place. Existing manholes will either be rehabilitated, replaced, removed, or abandoned and new manholes will be installed in areas where the sewer pipe was realigned. Although the majority of the project is located within city streets and alleys, small portion of the project crosses through an undeveloped area along the upper reach of Calaboose Creek. The portion of the project authorized by this Agreement is limited to two crossings of Calaboose Creek and a segment of line running parallel to the creek within the riparian area, but setback from the top of bank. Trenches will be approx. 2-foot wide and 5- to 15-foot deep. Sewer pipes will be buried beneath the stream a minimum of 4-feet. Excavated material will be hauled away by the contractor and new, engineered backfill will be brought in to backfill the trench. Native topsoil will be replaced over the trench in undeveloped areas to promote restoration of the impacted area. Approx. 3 cubic yards of fill will be placed in the trenches with 1 cubic yard of topsoil placed on top of the engineered fill.
3 documents in project