SCH Number 2016021075

Project Info

Pacific Palisades Village Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration
Pursuant to its regulatory authority granted under Ch. 6.8, Division 20, CA Health and Safety Code, the DTSC approved a Response Plan prepared by Tetra Tech BAS, March 2016 for the Mobil Gas Station (Site). The Response Plan proposes to cleanup petroleum fuel hydrocarbons, primarily benzene in groundwater through in-situ treatment by injecting an oxidation reagent. The Response Plan also proposes to monitor groundwater conditions for a minimum of two years. The Site is comprised of two parcels of land (APN 4423-016-005 and 4423-016-006) totaling approx. 0.37-acres. The Site is currently occupied by the Exxon Mobil-branded service station and convenience store. The Site will be redeveloped for mixed use with underground parking, commercial/retail space on the ground floor and residential units on the second story. The Site has been used as a retail gasoline station since at least 1935. Soils investigations undertaken at the property identified releases of petroleum and gasoline in soil, soil and groundwater. Detections of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in soil and groundwater at the Site exceed regulatory standards. A Baseline Risk Assessment indicated that contamination in soil would not result in adverse risks and exposure to chemicals migrating in the vapor phase from groundwater and potentially migrating inside future onsite building structures and would result in cancer risks quantified at less than the target risk management concentrations. concentrations off benzene, ethylbenzene, methyl-tert-butyl ether, toluene, m,p-xylenes and o-xylene were detected above the maximum contaminant level (MCL) in groundwater. Groundwater is located at 95 feet below ground surface. Redevelopment of the Site is anticipated to occur as part of the larger Pacific Palisades Village Property redevelopment project that is planned for both the Site and several neighboring parcels. The Pacific Palisades Village Property consists of approx. 3.11 acres currently improved with approx. 51,000- sq. ft. of commercial structures and a surface parking lot. The redevelopment project site is currently zoned C2-1VL and R3P-1VL and has a land use designation of Community Commercial in the Community Plan. The Project proposes a mix of uses that total 116,215 sq. ft. of floor area, including retail, restaurants, offices, eight residential units, a specialty grocery store, a movie theater, a community room, and storage. Four hundred seventy off-street vehicle parking spaces will be provided in two levels of subterranean parking, including electronic vehicle (EV) charging spaces.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Los Angeles Mobil Gas Station Response Plan
City of Los Angeles Pacific Palisades Village Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration