SCH Number 2016012066

Project Info

Bryant Field Airport Stock Drive Realignment Project
CDFW is executing Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2016-0052-R6, pursuant to section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the Permittee, the Mono County Dept. of Public Works, represented by Mr. Garett Higerd. The project includes the realignment of 575 feet fo existing roadway. The Streambed Alteration Agreement is being issued to address 0.005 acres of temporary impacts to the Aurora Ditch resulting from the excavation and replacement of the existing culvert (project). The project includes: the removal of the existing 42-inch-high, 60-in-wide pipe; the removal of less than three cubic yards of accumulated organic sediment from the areas adjacent the pipe; the replacement of the culvert pipe with an in-pipe; the placement of a precast headwall and concrete slurry and backfill around the new culvert; and re-pavement of Stock Drive. Surface flows will not be encountered during project activities, and the project will not occur during nesting season.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Mono County Stock Drive Realignment Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1060-2016-0052-R6)
Mono County Bryant Field Airport Stock Drive Realignment Project