SCH Number 2016012009

Project Info

Dollar General Store Projects
DP15-004; MGT15-013; COC17-0001; LLA16-006; EIR15-001 The project includes a Development Permit for the development of a 9,100 sq. ft. Dollar General retail store and associated improvements, such as parking, lighting, signage, and landscaping. Other entitlements include a Management Plan for impacts to a wetland and encroachment into a non-disturbance buffer of a seasonal stream; conditional Certificate of Compliance to recognize parcels on the property; and a Lot Line Adjustment. The project site is accessed from Penn Valley Drive via shared access point with the existing post office to the east and a remaining parcel to be developed in the future. The project includes 46 parking stalls, consistent with County code. The project includes drainage improvements designed to pre-development runoff levels.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Nevada County DP15-004; MGT15-013; COC17-0001; LLA16-006; EIR15-001 Penn Valley Dollar General Development Permit Management Plan, Certificate of Compliance and Lot Line Adju
Nevada County DP15-004; MGT15-013; COC17-0001; LLA16-006; EIR15-001 Dollar Gneeral Development Permit, Management Plan, Certificate of Compliance and Lot Line Adjustment
Nevada County Dollar General Store Projects
Nevada County Dollar General Store Projects
Nevada County Dollar General Project