SCH Number 2015122066

Project Info

Zones 2A and 3A Natural Channels Maintenance Project
The project would implement small-scale flood control maintenance activities primarily on properties under private ownership in Flood Control Zone 2A (Petaluma Valley) and Zone 3A (upper Sonoma Valley). Most maintenance would be preventative actions to reduce flood risk and avoid bank erosion or other environmental damage. It is anticipated that approximately five to ten vegetation maintenance projects and two to three erosion protection projects would be conducted annually. Each erosion protection project would be limited to 10 cy of excavated material and to a linear stream bank length of 200 ft. Vegetation removal along banks would not exceed 100 contiguous ft. Although the exact number of maintenance activities is dependent on requests from the public, the proposed project includes an upper limit of 100 cy of material removed along up to 3,000 ft of stream bank per five-yr maintenance period. There would be no limit on the number of trash debris removal events.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Sonoma County Water Agency Zones 2A and 3A Natural Channels Maintenance Project
Sonoma County Water Agency Zones 2A and 3A Natural Channels Maintenance Project