SCH Number 2015121014
Project Info
- Title
- Inyo County Eastern California Museum
- Description
- The Proposed Engine House will be a 40'wide x 75' long structure. The structure will be used to store, maintain, display, and operate Engine 18 and other railroad artifacts. Approx. 130 lineal feet of usable track will be laid inside the Engine House with approx. 1,000 lineal feet of exterior track. Interior improvements: may include a concrete slab, may include work bench and other equipment for maintenance and restoration work, may include bathroom facilities, may include break/meeting room, two track lines, electrical outlets/lighting, etc. Part of the new exterior tracks will be placed in areas designated Open Space & Recreation and zoned Open Spaces. The portion of the Eastern CA Museum that is zoned and designated Open Space will be rezoned to Public and re-designated.
2 documents in project