SCH Number 2015101108

Project Info

Victor Valley Material Recovery Facility and Transfer Station Expansion Project
Burrtec Waste Industries is proposing to expand the facility by adding composting, construction & demolition, and mixed waste processing activities to the site. They are proposing to revise the Solid Waste Facilities Permit (SWFP 36-AA-0346) to expand the existing Victor Valley Material Recovery Facility and Transfer Station (MRF/TS) in order to allow construction/demolition (C&D) waste, green waste, and food waste to be accepted at the site for processing. In addition, Burrtec is requesting an amendment to the Desert Gateway Specific Plan to redesignate three parcels from Light Industrial to Public Utility to the consistent with the designation of the existing MRF. Two additional parcels located on the east side of East Abbey Lane will be used for employee and visitor parking.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Victorville Concurrence in the Issuance of Revised Solid Waste Facilities Permit for Victor Valley Materials Recovery Facility & Transfer Station, SWIS No. 36-AA-0346
City of Victorville Concurrence in issuance of Revised Solid Waste Facilities Permit (SWFP) for Victor Valley Materials Recovery Facility & Transfer Station, SWIS No. 36-AA-0346
City of Victorville Victor Valley Material Recovery Facility and Transfer Station Expansion Project