SCH Number 2015081049
Project Info
- Title
- Fremont High School RAW Areas 3 and 5
- Description
- DTSC has approved a Removal Action Workplan for the Fremont High School Redevelopment Project, Areas 3 and 5 pursuant to the CA Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chp 6.8 and California Code of Regulations, Section 25356.1. The RAW proposes the excavation and off-site disposal of approximately 2,429 cy of impacted soil from areas 3 and 5. Soil would be removed from several irregularly-shaped areas to depths ranging from 0.5 ft to 10 ft below ground surface (bgs) to address soil impacted with arsenic, lead, dieldrin, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and dioxins/furans and soil gas impacted with chloroform. The area of soil removal is approximately 22,064 sf. Should soil containing chemicals of concern above the site-specific cleanup goals remain after excavation is complete, institutional controls will be placed to protect the students, staff and visitors to the high school.
2 documents in project