SCH Number 2015062056

Project Info

Facebook Campus Expansion Project
The Approved Project, as certified in Nov. 2016, includes the demolition of buildings at the site and the construction of two new office buildings (Buildings 21 and 22) and a hotel. Compared to the Approved Project, the proposed revised project would include the redesign of Building 22 to encompass a four-story building with a reduced building footprint, a stand alone eight story parking garage, increasing the height of Building 22, increasing the amount of private landscaped open space, and adding recharging facilities. Existing Building 305 would remain on the site until 2022 at the latest, at which time the building would be demolished and a hotel would be constructed.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Menlo Park Facebook Campus Expansion Project Addendum
City of Menlo Park Facebook Campus Expansion Project
City of Menlo Park Facebook Campus Expansion Project
City of Menlo Park Facebook Campus Expansion Project