SCH Number 2015062003

Project Info

Lendrum Court Draft Removal Action Work Plan, Presidio of San Francisco
DTSC has approved the Lendrum Court Project (Project) Final Removal Action Work Plan, dated July 30, 2015 (RAWP) pursuant to Health and Safety Code, Chapter 6.8 as submitted on July 31, 2015, by TRC Solutions, Inc. on behalf of the Presidio Trust. The proposed project would consolidate, remove and cap incinerator debris and ash, and soil contaminated by chemicals of concert (COCs). Post-remediation site restoration would occur immediately after remedial construction in 2015 and 2016. The proposed project would combine multiple technologies for removal/consolidation of Army-era debris and incinerator ash from the shallow sub-surface, construction of a site cover, and implementation of land use controls (LUCs). Contaminated material that cannot be consolidated within the capped area limits would be excavated, characterized, and transported for off-site disposal at a licensed landfill facility. The volume of soil that would be removed is estimated at approximately 1,500 cy and includes the organic rich upper 4 to 6 inches of soil.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Lendrum Court Removal Action Work Plan, Presidio of San Francisco
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Lendrum Court Draft Removal Action Work Plan, Presidio of San Francisco