SCH Number 2015052024

Project Info

Pier 70 Mixed-Use District Project
The project would rezone and establish land use controls for the project site through adoption of the proposed Pier 70 Special Use District. The proposed project would involve the demolition of even buildings/structures and the rehabilitation of three buildings. The proposed project would accommodate residential units, commercial-office use, and retail-restaurant-arts/light industrial use. The proposed project would also include transportation and circulation improvements, new and upgraded utilities and infrastructure, geotechnical and shoreline improvements, and nine acres of public open space. The State Lands Commission action is land exchange of Public Trust lands within the project boundary.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City and County of San Francisco Pier 70 Mixed-Use District Project
City and County of San Francisco Pier 70 Mixed-Use District Project
City and County of San Francisco Pier 70 Mixed-Use District Project