SCH Number 2015042037

Project Info

Van Duzen Fen Reclamation Plan RP-15-001
The project is a reclamation plan proposed as a result of a Surface Mining and Reclamation Act violation where unpermitted mining activities took place with a rare form of wetland (peatland) called the Van Duzen Fen. Unpermitted mining activities consisted of extraction of peat from within the fen, water diversion, unpermitted grading, and other violation of Fish and Game Code, Water Code, and County Code. The reclamation Plan is proposed for the sole purpose of restoring natural biological ad hydrological conditions and processes to the Van Duzen Fen and nearby areas also disturbed by prior non-permitted mining activities. No further mining is proposed with implantation of the Reclamation Plan.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Humboldt County Wojcik Reclamation (Restoration) Plan (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2018-0360-R1)
Humboldt County Van Duzen Fen Reclamation Plan RP-15-001