SCH Number 2015041002

Project Info

Arcadia Logistics Center
The project consists of a general plan amendment (GPA 15-02), Specific Plan (SP 14-01), and Tentative Parcel Map (TPM 14-06 (73407)). GPA 15-02 revises the text under general plan policy ED-1.4 to support the re-se of the Lower Azusa Road Reclamation Area as a master-planned warehousing and logistics center. SP 14-01 implements the City of Arcadia's General Plan within the boundary of the subject property and establishes a set of development standards and design guidelines for the planned development of logistics center buildings that would provide up to 1,688,00 sf of building space. TPM 14-06 (73407) subdivides the subject property into Parcels 1-6 and Lots A-F to enable development of the site.
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5 documents in project

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City of Arcadia Arcadia Logistics Center
City of Arcadia Arcadia Logistics Center
City of Arcadia Arcadia Logistics Center
City of Arcadia Arcadia Logistics Center
City of Arcadia Arcadia Logistics Center