SCH Number 2014121084

Project Info

PHG13-0034 and SUB13-0007 (Amanda Estates)
The project is implementation of a RAW for excavation and offsite disposal of the impacted soil at the Amanda Estate Development Project (Site). - Excavate approximately 132 cy of impacted "in-situ" soil from a single identified location. - if necessary, segregate and stockpile impacted soils that contain the COCs at concentrations greater than the site specific CGs - Conduct confirmation soil sampling, compare confirmation data to the CGs, and excavate additional volume until the CGs are met. - Load and transport approximately 132 CY of impacted "in-situ" soil to an appropriate disposal facility; and (approximately 165 loose fluff cy). Obtaining the import fill material will be in accordance with the current local governmental agency and DTSC guidance on import fill material. - Depending on soil types, the soil volume may be increased 10% - 25% after digging. - DTSC is the responsible agency requiring a response action for the impacted soil. The city of Escondido is the lead agency for the Amanda Estate Development project. oject.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Escondido Response Plan for Amanda Estate Development Project
City of Escondido SUB13-0007 and PHG13-00374 Amanda Estates Residential Development Project/Annexation
City of Escondido PHG13-0034 and SUB13-0007 (Amanda Estates)