SCH Number 2014032063

Project Info

Wavecrest Coastal Trail
The Project includes a 1,698 linear-foot segment of the CA Coastal Trail and 342 linear feet of spur trails to coastal overlooks and through a Monterey cypress grove. The proposed trail would provide formal public access through the Project Area, directing users to a safe route that respects coastal resources. The proposed trail segment alignment respects coastal resources by directing foot and bicycle traffic away from wetlands and other sensitive areas, reducing multiple informal footpaths, and reducing erosion caused by informal recreation. Other Project components consist of vegetation consist of vegetation enhancement, wetland protection, and incorporation of construction measures to minimize wildlife and soil disturbance through construction methods and timing.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Half Moon Bay Wavecrest Coastal Trail
City of Half Moon Bay Wavecrest Coastal Trail