SCH Number 2014032007

Project Info

City of Cupertino General Plan 2040 and Zoning Code Amendments
The City of Cupertino is proposing updates to the General Plan 2040 that are required to bring the Housing Element and Health and Safety Element up to date and into compliance with State law. Subsequent updates to the Mobility and Land Use and Community Character Elements, and Zoning Code are also required as a result of updates to the Housing Element and to bring into compliance with State law. The proposed project is considered a policy/planning action and does not constitute approval of any physical development or grant any entitlements for development. All future discretionary projects will be reviewed in accordance with CEQA and for consistency with the goals and policies of the General Plan 2040 and development standards. The City is preparing a Subsequent EIR to the Certified General Plan EIR (SCH # 2014032007).
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Cupertino City of Cupertino General Plan 2040 and Zoning Code Amendments
City of Cupertino Cupertino General Plan Amendment, Housing Element Update, and Associated Rezoning
City of Cupertino Cupertino General Plan Amendment, Housing Element Update, and Associated Rezoning