SCH Number 2014031061

Project Info

LA Plaza Cultura Village Project (R2014-00619 / RENV201400051)
The project would establish a mixed-use, transit-oriented infill development totaling approximately 425,000 sf, including up to 345 residential units (for lease) with 20 percent of the units reserved as affordable units, up to 55,000 sf of visitor-serving retail, up to 786 parking spaces, and the extension of the existing Historic Paseo/pedestrian trail that would connect Union Station to Fort Moore. The project would also connect to existing utility infrastructures, which could require improvements in the adjacent right-of-way. Approximately 160,000 cubic yards of excavated materials would be removed, resulting in an estimated 7,980 truckloads of exported materials.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Los Angeles County LA Plaza Cultura Village Project (R2014-00619 / RENV201400051)
Los Angeles County LA Plaza Cultura Village Project (R2014-00619 / RENV201400051)
Los Angeles County LA Plaza Cultura Village Project (R2014-00619 / RENV201400051)
Los Angeles County LA Plaza Cultura Village Project (R2014-00619 / RENV201400051)