SCH Number 2014012054
Project Info
- Title
- Monte Verde Subdivision - Rezone 13-03, PD 270, VTSM 13-01
- Description
- The applicant is proposing two parcels totaling 17.84 acres, located in the North West Triangle Specific Plan area, into 107 single family residential lots. The property is designated Low Density Residential in the Turlock General Plan and zoned RL-4.5, allowing a minimum size of 4,500 square feet and a residential density ranging between five (5) and seven (7) dwelling units per acre. The proposed lots will range in size from 4,500 to 12,170 square feet. The overall density of the project is six (6) dwelling units per acre. A lot line adjustment is being processed concurrently with the applicant to create a separate lot for that portion of APN 88-02-05 that lies west of Countryside Drive. The property to the west of Countryside Drive is zoned Community and will not be part of this subdivision due to the lot line adjustment. The applicant is requesting a Planned Development to allow for the sound wall proposed along the western portion of Countryside Drive to be setback four (4') feet from the existing ten (10') foot sidewalk. This is a deviation from the Northwest Triangle Specific Plan Street Section, which requires a fifteen (15') foot landscape setback from the public right-of-way; thereby reducing the landscape setback shown in the specific plan by eleven (11') feet. The landscaped area will be located within the public right-of-way and will be maintained through a Landscape and Lighting District encompassing the entire subdivision. The subdivision will be required to annex to a Community Facilities District to mitigate the ongoing costs of public services. The Planned Development will also allow for an exception to the 35' lot frontage requirement for approximately five (5) lots, to have as little as thirty (30') of frontage onto the public right of way.
2 documents in project