SCH Number 2014012023

Project Info

Draft Environmental Impact Report for the City of Clearlake 2040 General Plan
This project involves an update of the original General Plan for Clearlake that was adopted in 1983. The General Plan provides a plan for growth through the year 2040. The General Plan includes the following elements: Land Use; Circulation; Housing; Conservation; Open Space; Noise; Safety; Economic Development; Public Facilities; Community Design; Health. Also, as part of the General Plan Update, the City's 1989 Sphere of Influence was amended to reduce the current Sphere boundaries to be the same as the City's current jurisdictional boundaries.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Clearlake City of Clearlake 2040 General Plan and Sphere of Influence Amendment
City of Clearlake Draft Environmental Impact Report for the City of Clearlake 2040 General Plan
City of Clearlake Draft Environmental Impact Report for the City of Clearlake 2040 General Plan
City of Clearlake 2040 General Plan
City of Clearlake General Plan 2040 Update for the City of Clearlake