SCH Number 2013121076
Project Info
- Title
- North Park and Golden Hill Community Plan Update
- Description
- The proposed update for the Golden Hill Community Plan would be consistent with and incorporate relevant policies from the 2008 City of San Diego General Plan, as well as provide a long-range, comprehensive policy framework for growth and development in the Golden Hill community. The Golden Hill Community Plan was originally adopted 1988. The Golden Hill has not been amended since adoption. Separate plans were prepared for the Golden Hill and North Park communities, and were evaluated in a single Program Environmental Impact Report. However, as the approval process the Golden Hill and North Park CPUs was done separately, the certification of the PEIR, Findings, Statement of Overriding Consideration (SOCs) and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) was done for each plan. The proposed Golden Hill CPU provides detailed policy direction to implement the General Plan with respect to the distribution and arrangement of land uses (public and private), the local street and transit network, the prioritization and provision of public facilities, community and site specific urban design guidelines, and recommendations to preserve and enhance natural open space and historic and cultural resources within the Golden Hill community. CPU implementation requires amendments to the General Plan to incorporate the updated community plans as components of the General Plan's Land Use Element; adoption of a Land Development Code ordinance that would repeal the Golden Hill Planned District Ordinance (GHPDO) zoning; rezoning of the Golden Hill Planned District Ordinance (GHPDO) zoning by replacement of rezone areas within the CPU with Citywide zones contained within the Land Development Code (LDC); adoption of land development code amendments to allow for conformance with the community plan policies; and approval of the Impact Fee Studies.
5 documents in project
Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
NOD | City of San Diego | One for Vancouver | |
NOD | City of San Diego | Golden Hill Community Plan Update | |
NOD | City of San Diego | North Park Community Plan Update | |
EIR | City of San Diego | North Park and Golden Hill Community Plan Update | |
NOP | City of San Diego | Community Plan Update for the Uptown-North Park-Greater Golden Hill Community Plan Areas |