SCH Number 2013102017

Project Info

San Joaquin County 2035 General Plan Update
San Joaquin County, as the lead agency, has prepared the San Joaquin County 2035 General Plan (2035 General Plan which contains proposed policies, diagrams, text, and implementation measures that will guide land use decisions within the unincorporated areas of the County. The 2035 General Plan includes a comprehensive update of the policies of the County's current 2010 General Plan (adopted in 1992) While some of the existing policies of the adopted General Plan are carried forward, the 2035 General Plan includes a number of new policies that address changes in State law. The 2035 General Plan update also addresses new issues, such as climate change and energy efficiency and emerging County priorities, such as economic development and the provision of public infrastructure and services.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Joaquin County Culvert Outfall (Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement EPIMS Notification No. SJN-30916- R2)
San Joaquin County PA-2100001, 3, 4 - Development Title Text Amendment, Zone Reclassification, and General Plan Text Amendment of San Joaquin County.
San Joaquin County Special Purpose Plan application No. PA-2000075, Site Improvement Plan application No. PA-2000076, and Road Name Change application No. PA-2000176 - Amended
San Joaquin County Special Purpose Plan application No. PA-2000075, Site Improvement Plan application No. PA-2000076, and Road Name Change application No. PA-2000176
San Joaquin County San Joaquin County 2035 General Plan Update
San Joaquin County San Joaquin County 2035 General Plan Update