SCH Number 2013101039

Project Info

ATV Adventure Trails of the Eastern Sierra
The OHMVR Division is approving grant funding for purchase of a motor grader, a front loader, and a water truck by the County of Inyo Public Works Department. The equipment will be used for maintenance of seven County road easements that are legal for use by green sticker vehicles (combined use). The motor grader, front loader, and water truck will be used to maintain dirt roads within the existing footprint of the current road right of way. The maintenance would include scraping and leveling the road surface, reducing washboarding, clearing debris, and repairing washouts. There are approximately 43 mile of routes to be maintained.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Inyo County Ground Operations of Inyo County OHV Routes
Inyo County Designation of Combined-Use Road to Establish the Eastern Sierra Adventure Trail System Pursuant to AB 628
Inyo County ATV Adventure Trails of the Eastern Sierra
Inyo County Designation of Combined-Use Road to Establish the Eastern Sierra Adventure Trail System Pursuant to AB 628