SCH Number 2013101021

Project Info

Alliance California Gateway South Building 3
The project consists of a Tentative Parcel Map (TPM 19487) (SUB13-07) and a Development Permit/Site Plan (DP-P13-09). TPM 19487 subdivides the 62.85-acre property into two (2) parcels and identifies the size and location water, sewer, drainage, and utility infrastructure improvements to serve the project. Parcel 1 of TPM 19487 comprises 13.20 acres, and will not be developed or physically disturbed by the project. Parel 1 of TPM 19487 comprises 13.20 acres, and will not be developed or physically distrubed by the project. Parcel 2 of TPM 19487 comprises 49.65 acres, and will nbe developed as an industrial warehouse project. Parcel 2 of TPM 19487.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Bernardino Alliance California Gateway South Building 3
City of San Bernardino Alliance California Gateway South Building 3
City of San Bernardino Alliance California Gateway South Building 3