SCH Number 2013012014
Project Info
- Title
- Guys Gulch Bridge Replacement Project
- Description
- The project is limited to replacement and realignment of a deficient crossing structure at Guys Gulch and Old Hwy 99. The current structure is a concrete triple box culvert that measures 23 feet long and 31.75 feet wide. Work will consist of replacing the structure with a single-span concrete slab bridge on concrete abutments and driven steel piles. The new bridge will not only be wider but longer to eliminate the current stream channel constriction and the new structure will be located immediately downstream on a new alignment. Approx. 100 cubic yards of standard rock slope protection will be palced around the concrete abutments both above and below the ordinary high water mark to protect from scour. Vehicular access will be maintained during construction by utilizing the old structure until the new bridge is completed. Then the old box culvert will be demolished and removed once the new bridge is open and the banks will be contoured to meet existing slopes and reseeded.
3 documents in project