SCH Number 2012121078
Project Info
- Title
- Agincourt Solar - Conditional Use Permit P201200011
- Description
- CDFW is issuing a Streambed Alteration Agreement for the construction and operation of a 10 megawatt (MW) alternating current photovoltaic module (PV) on approximately 65 acres of the 79.9-acre site. The Project authorized under this Agreement includes the construction of three detention basins to manage the increase in runoff volume during large storm events. The site contains portions of 12 ephemeral washes the total 9.15 acres. Nine of 12 smaller drainages would be filled and flows redirected to larger more complex channels that would be preserved in their natural state; approximately 100,000 cubic yards of cut/fill would be balanced on-site. The new channel will require routine maintenance activities, which may include the repair or replacement of rip rap, clearing of vegetation and siltation, grading, or excavation and any severe damage caused by flooding, natural disaster, or a catastrophic event. The Project will be mitigated with an onsite conservation easement.
3 documents in project