SCH Number 2012092050

Project Info

M&T Chico Ranch/Llano Seco Rancho Fish Screen Facility Short-Term Protection Project
CDFW has executed lake and streambed alteration agreement no. 1600-2015-0156-R2, pursuant to section 1602 of the fish and game code to the project applicant, M&T Chico Ranch (the permittee) as represented by Les Heringer. The project consists of a suction dredging and spoils disposal on the existing spoils stockpile, which also would likely be utilized for any future dredging operations should they be necessary. Dredging would entail removing in-river sedimentation from the Sacramento River to allow parallel sweeping flows at the pumping site in order to maintain the functionality of the pumping facility while continuing to meet National Marine Fisheries Service and CDFW fish screen criteria. It is anticipated that up to two dredge cycles (during separate years) could occur, potentially removing up to 100,000 cy of material per dredge cycle, in the area immediately upstream, adjacent to, and downstream of the M&T Pumps Facility via suction dredge. Due to production capacity constraints associated with suction dredging, the actual amount of material removed may be less than 100,000 cy per dredge cycle. The soonest the first dredge cycle would be proposed is 2016.
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Fish & Game #2 M&T Chico Ranch/Llano Seco Rancho Fish Screen Facility Short-Term Protection Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-201-0156-R2).
Fish & Game #2 M&T Chico Ranch/Llano Seco Rancho Fish Screen Facility Short-Term Protection Project
Fish & Game #2 M&T Chico Ranch/Llano Seco Rancho Fish Screen Facility Short-Term Protection Project
Fish & Game #2 M&T Chico Ranch/Llano Seco Rancho Fish Screen Facility Short-Term Protection Project
Fish & Game #2 M&T Chico Ranch/Llano Seco Rancho Fish Screen Facility Short-Term Protection Project
Fish & Game #2 M&T Chico Ranch/Llano Seco Rancho Fish Screen Facility Short-Term Protection Project
Fish & Game #2 M&T Chico Ranch/Llano Seco Rancho Fish Screen Facility Short-Term Protection Project