SCH Number 2012071061

Project Info

La Entrada Specific Plan
The La Entrada Development Agreement outlines the project's obligations and improvements, phasing and timing of improvements, fee credits and reimbursements, vesting and other City and Applicant responsibilities. The Development Agreement was signed on June 11, 2014, and the provisions of the Development Agreement are consistent with the project description of the La Entrada Program Environment Impact Report, certified by the City on November 13, 2013 (State Clearinghouse No. 2012071061). The Development Agreement was contemplated by the Program Environment Impact Report. Parties to the Development Agreement are the City and PSAV LLC/New West Communities.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Coachella The La Entrada Development Agreement
City of Coachella General Plan Amendments No's 12-02 and 12-03; Specific Plan Amendment No. 88-03; Change of Zone No. 12-03; Tentative Tract 36494; and a Program Environmental Im
City of Coachella La Entrada Specific Plan
City of Coachella La Entrada Specific Plan
City of Coachella La Entrada Specific Plan