SCH Number 2012061053

Project Info

La Mesa Climate Action Plan
The City of La Mesa's Climate action Plan (CAP) describes the 2010 baseline and GHG emissions for 202 and 2035, and identifies the achievable strategies and actions to reduce emissions. By reducing emissions to 15% below 2010 levels by 2020 and 53% below the 2010 levels by 2035, the Plan will reduce GHG emissions consistent with the State's goals. In July 2013, the City Council adopted the La Mesa General Plan and certified the EIR, which included a mitigation measure to develop and adopt a CAP. This SEIR updates the information in the General Plan EIR, as appropriate, to address implementation of the CAP.
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7 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of La Mesa Addendum to the 2018 Climate Action Plan SEIR for the Climate Action Plan Update
City of La Mesa City of La Mesa Climate Action Plan Supplemental Environmental Impact Report
City of La Mesa La Mesa Climate Action Plan
City of La Mesa General Plan Supplemental EIR (Climate Action Plan - CAP)
City of La Mesa General Plan Supplemental EIR (Climate Action Plan - CAP)
City of La Mesa General Plan Supplemental EIR (Climate Action Plan - CAP)
City of La Mesa General Plan Supplemental EIR (Climate Action Plan - CAP)