SCH Number 2012042010

Project Info

Mountain Gate at Shasta Area Plan (GPA 11-01; Z 11-02; SD 11-01)
General Plan Amendment changing the land use designation for approximately 141 acres of the project area to mixed use to be consistent with the remaining 449 acres of the site; and amending the General Plan road alignment for the extension of Wonderland Blvd to connect to Cascade Blvd rather than Shasta Way. Area plan for a mixed use development on the 590 acre property with approximately 1,604 housing units, 195,584 sf of commercial uses/professional offices, and 236 acres of open space, parks and trails. Rezone of the entire 590 acre project site from planned development - specific plan to planned development to reflect the Mountain Gate at Shasta Area Plan. Tentative Map for the creation of 21 parcels. Development agreement between the applicant and the city establishing development rights and obligations for a proposed period of 25 years.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Shasta Lake Addendum to EIR - Grading Permit 21-01 Mountain Gate at Shasta Pre-development Grading
City of Shasta Lake Mountain Gate Meadows (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0396-R1)
City of Shasta Lake Mountain Gate at Shasta Area Plan (GPA 11-01; Z 11-02; SD 11-01)
City of Shasta Lake Mountain Gate at Shasta Area Plan (GPA 11-01; Z 11-02; SD 11-01)
City of Shasta Lake Mountain Gate at Shasta Area Plan (GPA 11-01; Z 11-02; SD 11-01)