SCH Number 2012032012

Project Info

Lake Merritt Station Area Plan
Project is the approval of a Response Plan by the DTSC that would authorize activities to address hazardous materials including lead and volatile organic compounds detected in soil, and volatile organic compounds detected in soil vapor and groundwater at the 301 12th Street Future Development site. Activities to be conducted pursuant to the approved Response Plan include: Excavation and off-site disposal of approx. 1,250 cubic yards of soils impacted with volatile organic compounds; Injection of zero-valent iron into saturated on-site soils; Installation of a vapor barrier and a soil vapor extraction system as part of the new building construction; and Developing an Operation and Maintenance Plan that will require long-term obligations of the landowner, including reporting requirements to the DTSC.
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20 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Oakland Lake Merritt Bay Area Rapid Transit Transit-Oriented Development (a component of the Lake Merritt Station Area Plan)
City of Oakland St-9th Street and 107-Sth Street (PLN20108-PUDF-02)
City of Oakland SI-9th Street (PLN20108-PUDF-0l)
City of Oakland Response Plan, 301 12th Street Future Development
City of Oakland 250 14th Street
City of Oakland 1314 Franklin Street
City of Oakland W12, 285 and 301 12th Street
City of Oakland W12, 285 and 301 12th Street
City of Oakland Lakehouse Commons; Case File No. PLN16-128, ER01
City of Oakland W12, 295 and 301 12th Street
City of Oakland Lakehouse Commons; Case File No. PLN16-128, ER01
City of Oakland 226 13th Street
City of Oakland 226 13th Street
City of Oakland 250 14th Street
City of Oakland 250 14th Street
City of Oakland Lake Merritt Station Area Plan Environmental Impact Report
City of Oakland Lake Merritt Station Area Plan Environmental Impact Report
City of Oakland Lake Merritt Station Area Plan
City of Oakland Lake Merritt Station Area Plan
City of Oakland Lake Merritt Station Area Plan