SCH Number 2011122057
Project Info
- Title
- Stieler Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map T08-030(2) and Zone Change RZ08-015
- Description
- 1. Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map T08-030(2) to create a subdivision by dividing a 22.4 parcel into 9 lots which will range in size from 2.0 gross acres to 3.3 gross acres. 2. Ordinance for Zone Change RZ08-015 to rezone the 22.4 acre project site to 14.5 acres of RE-2:D, and 7.9 acres of OS. 3. Resolution of application to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) to form a County Service Area (CSA) to provide road maintenance for roads serving the proposed subdivision which are not accepted into the County Maintained System and maintenance of drainage improvements.
2 documents in project