SCH Number 2011081042
Project Info
- Title
- General Plan Update
- Description
- The project is a comprehensive update of the Los Angeles County General Plan and associated actions. The project includes goals, policies, implementation programs and ordinances. The project covers the unincorporated areas and accommodates new housing and employment opportunities in anticipation of population growth. The General Plan Update focuses growth in the unincorporated areas with access to services and infrastructure and reduces the potential for growth in environmentally sensitive and hazardous areas. The project will replace the adopted General Plan.
12 documents in project
Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
NOD | Los Angeles County | James Smith Property (Western Joshua Tree Conservation Act (WJTCA) Incidental Take Permit No. 1927-ITP-2024-030-05 (ITP)) | |
NOD | Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning | Affordable Housing Preservation Ordinance | |
NOD | Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning | Interim and Supportive Housing Ordinance | |
ADM | Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning | By-Right Housing Ordinance | |
NOD | Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning | By-Right Housing Ordinance | |
ADM | Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning | Inclusionary Housing Ordinance | |
NOD | Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning | Inclusionary Housing Ordinance | |
NOD | Los Angeles County | Los Angeles County General Plan Update | |
NOD | Los Angeles County | Los Angeles County General Plan Update | |
EIR | Los Angeles County | General Plan Update | |
NOP | Los Angeles County | General Plan Update | |
NOP | Los Angeles County | General Plan Update and Antelope Valley Area Plan Update |