SCH Number 2011071092

Project Info

Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan
The DRECP is a landscape-scale, multi-agency planning effort for 22.5 million acres in CA's desert, about 10 million of which are BLM-managed lands. The DRECP BLM Land Use Plan Amendment proposes to: 1) preserve, restore, and enhance ecosystems and vegetative types, and conserve sensitive species; 2) protect and enhance other resources and values on BLM-managed lands, including cultural and recreation; and 3) identify appropriate areas for the sitting of utility-scale renewable energy projects, and streamline environmental review and approval for projects sited in these areas.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Energy Commission Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan
California Energy Commission Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan BLM Proposed Land Use Plan Amendment and Final EIS
California Energy Commission Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan BLM Proposed Land Use Plan Amendment and Final EIS
California Energy Commission Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan Habitat Conservation Plan/Natural Communitites Conservation Plan